About Us
About Us
Talmode Hair Loss Clinic is designed to diagnose various types of hair loss for modern people and to diagnose the cause of hair loss such as dietary and environmental factors in addition to causes of heredity to customers who are treating and managing them accordingly. And management.
Talmode Hair Loss Clinic diagnoses the cause of hair loss for one person with accurate examination system and provides 1: 1 customized
management and service. And it has 10 years long know-how and intensive 8-week intensive program We are gaining satisfaction and reliability of customers.
Talmode Hair Loss Clinic is not just about treating and managing hair loss, but also enhancing beauty with healthy hair.

Talmde History
02 Talmode Hair Loss care center opened
07 Launch of Talmode Daily Triple Shampoo
04 Shampoo & tonic quasi-drug launch
09 Talmode Hair Loss Clinic Network achieved 34 branches
08 Established Talomood Corporation
04 Nonghyup BtoB contract signed
03 Kookmin Bank concluded BtoB contract
02 Talmode Hair Loss Clinic Network opened in Taiwan -
09 Talmode Hair Loss Clinic Network achieved 27 branches
04 Umbilical cord blood stem cell hair loss treatment popularized
01 Bio-engineering Medipost jointly signed an exclusive partnership -
12 Talmode Hair Loss Clinic Network achieved 15 points
07 Talmode Hair Loss Clinic Network branch opened
07 Launched "Talmode 8-Week Intensive Program" service and launched "Tricotox", a solution to eliminate heavy metals in hair
07 Talmode trademark registration, service registration