Diagnosis by type of hair loss
Diagnosis by type of hair loss
Hair loss is not the same hair loss.
The causes of hair loss include a variety of causes,
including genetic factors,
environmental factors,
hormonal factors,
and pathological factors.
There are various types of hair loss depending on the cause.
In the Talmode hair loss clinic,
please try to diagnose the cause of each type of hair loss accurately and experience the most
effective and long-term experience of hair loss treatment.
Causes of hair loss

Environmental factors

Hormonal factors


Factors of pathological disease


Genetic factor
Features by type of hair loss

Androgenetic alopecia
Androgenic Alopecia occurs when androgens participate in the metabolism of hair follicular cells.
As the hair gradually tapers, the boundary between the facial and scalp gradually recedes backward and the forehead becomes wider.
The thick hair at the center of the scalp gradually falls off and finally proceeds to baldness.
M-shaped hair loss begins to become wider on the forehead, hair on both sides of the forehead, such as the letter M is hair loss.
O-shaped hair loss refers to hair loss that appears as a circle around the crown.
U-shaped hair loss can be thought of as total hair loss with hair loss except the back part.
It is known to occur mainly in men, but can also occur in postmenopausal women who are rapidly decreasing their female hormones.

Female pattern alopecia
Female hair loss is a symptom of hair loss caused by the inheritance of sensitivity to male hormones.
It is caused by changes in hormones such as menopause, psychological stress, side effects of disease drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, unreasonable diet, frequent staining and perming, and iron deficiency.
Unlike men, hair loss is not a form of hair loss, but hair loss generally occurs at the center of the hair.
Frequent perms, discolorations, and staining can permanently damage hair and scalp, making hair loss worse.

alopecia areata
Alopecia areata refers to hair loss in the scalp consisting of a circular (500 won coin).
In addition, it may be caused by misinterpretation of body cells as an antigen, causing immune reaction, peripheral nerve abnormalities around the hair follicle, excessive or sudden mental stress, etc., And it is accepted that it becomes a disease of round hair loss.

Diffuse hair loss
Because hair falls into the dormant period, it is sometimes referred to as dormant hair loss, allowing the growing hairs to become the dormant and dormant faster than normal.
Until we know the causes of hair loss such as anemia, thyroid disease, hypoglycemia, zinc deficiency, medication, etc., temporary alopecia due to physical or mental stress such as hospitalization, surgery, high fever (cold, typhoid, pneumonia) Continued hair loss.

Alopecia seborrheica
Due to excessive sebum production, the aging horny layer is
thickly piled up, accompanied by bright reddish erythema, itchy
and unpleasant smell, and malathaceous hyperplasia causes
inflammation of the scalp.
As a result, the pores are clogged, and sebaceous glands are
wrapped around the hair follicles by sebum oxidizing action in the
dermis inside the scalp, which interferes with the flow of the blood
vessels connected with the hair cells, resulting in a lack of nutrition
and oxygen supply.